Monday, July 2, 2007

Chapter 3: Jumping the Flume


Becky said...

This chapter has a lighter tone tone and I like the relationship with Charlie, because of course it reminds me of Jesse. However, I'm wondering if the average reader will be able to pick up on that tone and the type of banter those characters engage in since the average reader didn't have the pleasure of hanging out with you and Jesse during the high school years.

Becky said...

We actually went to Fossil Springs last week. Did you know they took out the damn?

Emily said...

They took out the damn what? The damn dam?

Becky said...

Emily, you are a much more talented speller than I! I must have a subliminal swearing problem. ;)

Neil and Diana said...

I thought the banter was realistic, although that may be because I, too, graduated a Phx high school in 1994. Anyway, it was funny.